Best Paper Award

Since the relaunch of Musicologica Austriaca in 2015, the Austrian Musicological Society (ÖGMW) has been awarding a prize for the best academic paper on the broad topic of music and musical culture in or from Austria. Since 2020, the competition takes place biennially. Researchers from all musicological fields and related disciplines are encouraged to participate. We welcome all methodological perspectives on music, musicians, and musical culture associated with Austria in a broad sense. The evaluation of submissions is conducted by a jury appointed by the executive board of the Austrian Musicological Society, consisting of board and external members who represent all musicological fields. The award-winning text is published as an English-language open access article in Musicologica Austriaca, free of charge, and the winner receives a 1.000€ prize that is awarded at the business meeting of the Austrian Musicological Society as part of its annual conference.

The last call has closed on June 30, 2024 (for more information, download the CfP).


You can view the award-winning papers here (in 2016 and 2018 no award was given):

2022: Luiz Mantovani, Fine-Tuning Ferdinand Rebay’s Second Sonata in E major for Guitar


2022: Jian Yang, Viennese Style in Viennese Waltzes: An Empirical Study of Timing in the Recordings of The Blue Danube


2020: Marina Sudo, Listening to Noise and Listening to Oneself: An Analysis of Peter Ablinger’s Orgel und Rauschen


2019: Diego Alonso, From the People to the People: The Reception of Hanns Eisler’s Critical Theory of Music in Spain through the Writings of Otto Mayer-Serra


2017: Christian Utz, Multivalent Form in Gustav Mahlerʼs Lied von der Erde from the Perspective of Its Performance History


2015: Golan Gur, The Other Marxism: Georg Knepler and the Anthropology of Music
