General Information
- You do not have to be a member of the Austrian Society for Musicology (ÖGMW). However, we would be happy if you considered becoming a member.
- Submitting an article and having it published is free of charge. Nevertheless, we are happy to receive voluntary donations.
- Note for non-native speakers of English: If the article you submit turns out to require extensive language proofreading (preceding a possible review) we may offer you a paid service. However, this service is not mandatory.
- We encourage proposals for topical special issues, edited by volume editor(s) in collaboration with the MusAu editorial team. Contact the editors via email to get the process started. Please see below for further information.
- Double-blind peer reviews: Both authors and reviewers remain anonymous during the review procedure. Authors are asked to not enable a reviewer to draw any conclusions about their name/authorship in the text.
Before you submit an article, be sure to comply with open access and with our publication ethics! See our Editorial Principles for further information.
Categories of publications
Research article: |
Conventional research papers; free in length but at least 3000 words; appropriate references, hyperlinks, figures, tables, and supplemental research material (if available). Authors considering an article exceeding 15,000 words are asked to contact the editorial team regarding topic and proposed length. |
Special issue: |
Topical issues of at least four and up to eight articles, edited by volume editor(s) and the MusAu team. Individual chapters should follow the same guidelines as stand-alone research articles. The production schedule and a potentially more uniform word count is set by the volume editor(s). |
Discussion paper: |
Preferably provocative and/or inventive contributions aimed at stimulating scholarly discussion; usually 1000–5000 words, unless otherwise agreed upon, and appropriate references. Authors considering a discussion paper are asked to contact the editorial team regarding the topic. |
Media review: |
Comprehensive review of newly published scholarly books or other relevant types (including digital resources such as DVDs or software); at least 1500 words. |
What is the procedure?
- Register (for free) by using the register button top right or following this link.
- Submit your text and supplemental research material (if any) by going to submission and following the system instructions.
- Please provide an abstract, five to ten topical keywords, and a cover picture alongside your article.
- Please adhere to our submission guidelines. Check the MusAu styl sheet for further information.
- Authors are welcome to suggest up to three suitable scholars as referees and may also request the exclusion of up to three researchers. These requests will be taken into consideration. However, the editors’ decision on the choice of referees is final.
- Your article will then undergo a (double-blind) peer review. Please read and answer any comments made by a referee or editor. Please check our Peer Review Procedure for further information.
- If your article is accepted for publication, it will be proof-read and typeset by a language editor and the editorial team, free of charge. You will be able to view the final draft prior to publication.
Non-English submissions will not be considered. If English is not your first language, you are asked to arrange for language editing and proofreading prior to submission. If you need such a service, we can put you in contact with a qualified freelance editor. Please note that edited manuscripts will still undergo peer review.
The MusAu editorial team strongly encourages prospective authors to use inclusionary language in their submissions. In this spirit, all gender-specific formulations to refer to generic or unknown individuals, as well as gender binary ones such as "he/she," are to be avoided and should be rewritten using either plural or singular "they" forms.
Since 2022, MusAu offers the possibility of including a German-language version of accepted articles. Should you wish to include a version of your article in a language other than German, please contact the editors in advance for case-by-case decisions in terms of both topical suitability and practical feasibility. This optional version has to be prepared by the author on the basis of the peer reviewed and edited English-language text and will be revised by a suitable language editor.
Further information
Any correspondence, queries, or additional requests for information on the manuscript submission process should be sent to the editorial team.